Hi, I’m Dr. Todd Shatkin, and welcome to the Aesthetic Associates Centre. Are you tired of having all those little x-rays taken of every single tooth in your mouth? You don’t have to worry about that anymore. We do one picture of your entire mouth.
It’s in 3D, it’s a cone beam cat scan, it’s very ultra-low radiation, and we see all the teeth in your mouth in less than 15 seconds. You don’t have to put all those little things in your mouth, we don’t have to gag you with the instruments in your mouth.
These cone beam CTs are beautiful x-rays, and we offer them free of charge for every new patient consultation. When you come in, we’ll take a cone beam CT on you and we’ll be able to see all of your dental problems right off the bat. It’s very quick, easy and painless to have done, with almost no radiation at all. Come and see me for a free consultation for the utmost in technology that we have here at the Aesthetic Associates Centre.
If you or a loved one is in need of dental x-rays in Buffalo, NY please contact us today to arrange your free consultation with Dr. Todd Shatkin DDS at the Aesthetic Associates Centre to learn more about our cone beam CT machine.